Blog & News at Pleasanton

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  • Fostering Independence with Alzheimer’s
    Fostering Independence with Alzheimer’s

    An Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis can be difficult - but it does not mean giving up on creating special moments [...]

  • New Year New Hope Resolutions for Caregivers
    New Year, New Hope: Resolutions for Caregivers

    As the confetti settles and the glitter fades from another holiday season, many of us turn our attention to the [...]

  • How to Connect with Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s This Holiday Season
    How to Connect with Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s This Holiday Season

    The holiday season is a time for togetherness, joy, and creating cherished memories. For families with loved ones living with [...]

  • Loving a Partner with Alzheimer’s or Dementia
    Loving a Partner with Alzheimer’s or Dementia

    Caring for a partner with Alzheimer’s or dementia can be hard, but navigating your relationship with your partner can be [...]

  • Creating an Inclusive Thanksgiving for a Loved One with Dementia
    Creating an Inclusive Thanksgiving for a Loved One with Dementia

    Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate. But if you have a loved one [...]

  • Where to Begin
    Where to Begin

    Are you experiencing increased levels of stress, trying to maintain support for your loved one while still having extensive responsibilities [...]