Finding the Perfect Present- Mother's Day Gifts for Loved Ones with Alzheimer's

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the special women in our lives. If your grandmother, mother or mother-figure in your life is affected by Alzheimer’s or dementia, choosing the right gift can feel trickier. The key is to focus on gifts that engage the senses, spark positive memories and bring comfort. Here are some gift ideas to make Mother’s Day special:

  • Music Player with Big Buttons: Look for a radio or music player with large, easy-to-use controls. Pre-load it with her favorite songs or calming music. An extra plus if clip to a purse, wheelchair or walker.
  • Aromatherapy Diffuser: Soothing scents like lavender or chamomile can promote relaxation and evoke positive memories. Placing the diffuser in her room can help with promoting better sleep and a more relaxing nighttime routine.
  • Weighted Blanket: Gentle pressure can provide a sense of security and comfort as well as providing warmth. A weighted blanket can also be helpful for long car rides or relaxing on the couch.
  • Digital Photo Frame: Load it with current and past pictures of family, the grandkids, pets and fond memories. Long-distance family members can also load their most recent photos remotely to keep mom up to date on the latest.
  • Talking Photo Album: This high-tech twist on the photo album allows you to record messages for each picture, reminding Mom of the happy memories captured.
  • Personalized Comfort Items: A soft robe embroidered with her name, a Snuggie, socks or a scarf in her favorite color can be comforting and familiar.

Remember, the best gifts are often the simplest. Spending quality time with your loved one, reminiscing about happy memories, or simply holding her hand can be the most meaningful way to show you care.

Have questions? The team at Carefield Pleasanton is here to help. Join our caregiver’s brunch and support group – contact Carefield Pleasanton by calling (925) 750-8744 or visit today.