Fun Tips for Celebrating Grandparents’ Day

As our loved ones get older, it’s important to make new memories along with reflecting on old ones. September 10th is National Grandparents’ Day, here are some fun tips on how you can celebrate as a family:

  • Engage in a fun activity over dinner. This can help switch up your typical family dinner into a memorable moment. Easy to use and fun to answer, conversation cards can facilitate questions between all generations. With multiple options for purchase online, you can discover new facts about your loved ones along with lots of laughs. Write down or record your loved one’s answers for a lasting memory.
  • Be flexible. If your grandparents have any physical limitations, be flexible with your plans. If you are spending time outside together, be sure to include a place to sit and lots of breaks. You can also opt for lower impact activities like watching their favorite movie at home or having a Grandparents’ Day celebration in the morning versus the full day.
  • Bond over passing down knowledge. One of the greatest gifts that one generation can give to another is knowledge. If mom or dad is an expert at painting, cooking or have a certain hobby they are passionate about, have their grandchildren join them for some bonding time. If your loved one needs some assistance, you can help with setting up the activity or modifying it. For example, if grandma loves making dumplings, you can prepare all the ingredients beforehand so that.
  • Create something tangible together. If grandma likes to paint, have the grandchildren create a painting with her. If grandpa likes to garden, have the whole family participate in planting a tree or creating a sitting area in the garden together. Creating memories that last can include physical items that you can look back on for years to come.
  • Be present. Refrain from checking your phone or laptop when spending time together as a family. Especially since your loved one may come from a generation where this is not typical. Put away your phone and computer and focus on family.
  • Show your appreciation. Have your kids write their grandparents a card for Grandparents Day, create a video message, or an art project with their handprints. You can also write a card for them as well showing that you care.

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