Noticing Changes in Your Loved One? The Difference Between Dementia & Normal Aging

The holiday season is a great time to reconnect and spend time with family. During your holiday gatherings, you may have begun to notice small changes in mom or dad. Forgetting names and past events, or misplacing items may be more common. Changes in behavior and personality may be apparent as well. While many of these changes are part of the natural progress of aging, some may be early signs of Alzheimer’s and other dementia-causing diseases.

It’s important to know which signs are warning signs of dementia vs. age-related cognitive impairment:

It may be Alzheimer’s or dementia if your loved one:

  • Often become disoriented or gets lost.
  • Repeats stories or questions.
  • Misplaces items or places items in odd places.
  • Has difficulty concentrating.
  • Has increasingly exhibited aggressive behavior or a change in personality is not typical of their normal demeanor.

It may be age-related cognitive impairment if your loved one:

  • Is forgetful at times, such as forgetting where they have placed their keys or forgetting an appointment.
  • Has difficulty finding words, such as remembering the name of certain objects, however still understanding its use and purpose.
  • Finds it more challenging to focus on complicated tasks such as money management or driving in high-stress situations like entering or exiting the freeway.

The best way to know for sure is to speak with your loved one’s primary care provider. Many other diagnoses can mimic dementia symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, UTIs, or other unrelated conditions. They can complete a full assessment to see if there are any other underlying causes of confusion, forgetfulness, or any symptom your loved one may be experiencing.

Reaching out to your local experts can help you in your journey as a family navigating Alzheimer’s and dementia. The team at Carefield Pleasanton is always available to answer your questions about memory care for your loved one, and the benefits of a community. Contact Carefield Pleasanton by calling (925) 750-8744 or visit today.